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Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

DarkSiders 2

Genre : Action/Adventure

Darksiders II's story take place during the 100-year imprisonment of War following the Darksiders prologue, following the premature End War.
It is revealed that the Four Horseman are the last of the nephilim, fusions of angel and demon. In order to preserve the balance of the universe, the Four received incredible power from the Charred Council and used it to slaughter the other nephilim. Death then trapped the souls of his fallen brothers into his amulet, and earned the title of Kinslayer.
After War is captured and charged for his crimes, the Charred Council informs the other three Horsemen of his fate. The Horseman Death, knowing that his brother War is the most honorable and incorruptible of the four, and would never have started the Apocalypse early, flies into a rage. Believing his brother is victim of a conspiracy, Death defies the Council's orders and sets out on a personal mission to find proof of his brother's innocence by resurrecting humanity.
Death first travels to the icy Veil to seek the Keeper of Secrets for proof of War's innocence. He tells Death that he must go to the Tree of Life in order to restore humanity, but refuses to open a portal there unless Death takes back his amulet, the one holding the souls of the nephilim. Death refuses and battles the Keeper, who takes the form of War. Death defeats him, but is pierced by the shards of the amulet and is thrown into a portal in the Keeper's final act.
Death wakes up in the Forge Lands, a world populated by the Makers, beings who forge entire worlds. He learns that the world has been overrun with Corruption, a dark force that has blocked off the Tree of Life and has taken over many of the Maker's constructs. The Makers had crafted a massive Guardian to combat the Corruption, but had to abandon it before finishing the task. Death proceeds to restore the Fire of the Mountain and Tears of the Mountain for the Makers, allowing them to build him a Maker's Key to reactivate sleeping constructs. Death seeks out a construct known as the Warden, who takes him to the resting place of the Guardian. With the help of a Maker named Karn, the Guardian is completed, but it has been tainted by Corruption and rampages through the Forge Lands. Death strikes down the Guardian, which is then revived by the Makers and destroys the Corruption blocking the Tree of Life.
Upon reaching his goal, Death is seized by a tentacle of Corruption and dragged into the Tree of Life. There, a shadowy figure mocks Death's quest to save War when he slaughtered the rest of his brothers. Death discovers that the figure is one of his slain brothers, the nephilim Absalom. Absalom tells Death that he has become Corruption and that the Tree of Life has fallen to him before fading away.
Death awakens at the base of the Tree of Death, the Tree of Life's counterpart in the Land of the Dead.

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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Source : IDWS


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